Sunday 10 February 2013

Why Should I Detox

Its the 23rd of December once again.... no work for 2 weeks, mates are having a BBQ and some drinks to celebrate end of the working year.....
its the 24th of eve dinner....
25th of December...Christmas Lunch
26th December... Boxing day BBQ
27th December...still drinking and over endulging...ahh who cares lets drink till NYE 2013
31st December... NYE lets go crazy... like we havent done enough damage....
1st, 2nd,3rd....blah blah blah 4th comes around and you're back at work...feeling like you've been hit by a truck....twice
DETOX is well overdue, theres a lot of products out there that starve you beyond recognition, claiming to help you loose 7 kilos in 7 days, 14 kilos in a week.... and conveniently forget to mention you'll put it all back on with interest, the minute your detox is finished...
Here's what two happy, healthy people had to say about doing a special multi action detox program...
"I feel great!"
Before the 'Quick Cleanse' I struggled with irregular bowel movements. Now after completing the Quick Cleanse Detox Program I feel great. I recommend the Quick Cleanse Detox Program as a natural solution to anyone who wants to restore health and vitality. Leanne Walsh, WA.
"I felt a lot healthier!"
After sticking to the Detox Program, I felt a lot healthier. I started to exercise again and have adopted a new eating pattern. I thoroughly recommend it for everyone to try and will most certainly repeat it in 6 months. Tracey Hart, QLD.
Over 2 million sold!
With over 2 million Quick Cleanse Detox kits sold, Quick Cleanse has proved popular with many people.

Multi action Detox Program for a more effective cleanse
The easy to use Quick Cleanse Detox Program + Probiotics is designed to enhance your body's own natural internal cleansing process. Developed by the Australian natural health company Totally Natural Products, the powerful multi action Quick Cleanse Detox Program + Probiotics contain four scientifically developed formulas specifically designed to address your body's major cleansing organs.
These formulas contain 27 specially selected herbs and nutrients and 3 strains of Probiotics. The ingredients in Quick Cleanse are not only powerful internal cleaners, but they may also support and strengthen your digestive system. Quick Cleanse may even help repair and protect your liver. It may also assist your liver's ability to detoxify harmful substances from your system. Quick Cleanse also contains herbs traditionally used as blood detoxifiers.
Quick Cleanse cleanses like an intestinal broom
The natural fibres and herbs in Quick Cleanse works like an INTESTINAL BROOM, cleansing the inner walls of your bowel fast, allowing large amounts of waste matter to pass easily through your system. Throughout this cleansing process you may see things coming out of your body you'll find hard to believe. One thing's for sure, these wastes are better down the toilet than in your body!
The high potency probiotic within the program has a massive 25 billion live, friendly bacteria in every capsule. A deficiency of friendly bacteria can result in bad breath, flatulence, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain and cramps. This probiotic may also boost your immunity and relieve the symptoms of medically diagnosed IBS.
How long should I stay on the Quick Cleanse® Detox Program?
For maximum results we would recommend you follow the Quick Cleanse® Detox Program for 15 days. However it may be difficult for some people to find the time for the full 15 days, that's why we have created the Quick Cleanse® 7 Day Detox Program. If you decide to do a 7 Day Detox and are happy with the results, we recommend that you do another 7 days immediately after completing the program. If this is not possible, please try and do a full 15 Day Detox within 2 months of completing the 7 Day Program. Remember, detoxification is not just about relieving constipation or losing weight. It's about getting your digestive system in top shape and back on track.
Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms
Caffeine is found in chocolate, tea, coffee and some soft drinks. Unfortunately caffeine places an extra load on your liver and adrenal glands. For this reason, foods and drinks that contain caffeine are not recommended during the Quick Cleanse® Detox Program.
When you stop taking caffeine your body may experience one or more of the following withdrawal symptoms - headaches, migraine, nausea, vomiting, low energy, or a general feeling of being unwell.
The amount of caffeine you consume may not be indicative of the withdrawal symptoms you experience, so it is strongly recommended you wean yourself off caffeine before commencing the Quick Cleanse® Detox program. This may take anywhere from a few days to a week. If you don't, you may experience some of the unpleasant symptoms we have listed above.
Foods and Drinks You CAN Have While on the Quick Cleanse® Detox Program

All sprouted seeds, grains and legumes - Mung, Alfalfa, mixed salad etc. All dried legumes (best to soak overnight before cooking). All raw and steamed vegetables (including potatoes) - best to eat later in the day. All fresh fruits (avoid citrus fruit except for lemons). All raw nuts and seeds; almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds are best. All whole grains, rolled oats, rye, barley, buckwheat, linseed meal, millet, etc.
Wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, brown rice. Sun dried fruits - Apricots, figs, dates, peaches, sultanas etc. Tamari (reduced salt yeast free soy sauce alternative), tofu, tahini (unhulled is best) - use as spread in place of butter/margarine. Raw honey, rice bran syrup - use in place of sugar. Herbal seasoning or sea salt - use in place of table salt. Cold pressed virgin olive oil, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar (unfiltered) - Mix together, use as salad dressing. All fresh vegetable and fruit juices. Herbal teas with filtered water (do not add milk or sugar). Filtered water (drink 8-10 glasses of unchilled water daily). Goats, soy, rice or almond milk. Plain soy, goats or sheep cheese and yogurt (with no salt or sugar).

Foods and Drinks You Should AVOID While on the Quick Cleanse® Detox Program
Sugar, table salt, animal meats; pork, beef, lamb, chicken, eggs, all dairy products (including butter, milk, yoghurt, cheese, etc.), refined (white) flour products, white rice, white pasta, white bread, processed foods (including canned foods, packaged foods, frozen foods, chips etc, chocolate, donuts, cakes, biscuits, jams, fruit spreads, margarine and peanut butter).
Polyunsaturated oils and spreads, including cold pressed oils except for the ones listed in the 'foods and drinks you can have list'. Avoid all Caffeine drinks - coffee, tea, cola, etc. All alcoholic beverages - wines, beer and spirits, etc. All drinks that contain added sugar - soft drinks, flavoured drinks, cordial drinks, etc.
Quick Cleanse® Eating Plan
For maximum results please follow the 'Eating Plan' below while on the Quick Cleanse® Detox Program. The Eating Plan provides you with an excellent source of complex carbohydrates (energy food), protein (amino acids), vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.
Please avoid eating any of the foods on the 'FOODS TO AVOID', listed on the previous page while on the Quick Cleanse® Detox Program. Are You Sensitive to Herbal Formulas? If you are generally sensitive to herbal formulas or never have detoxed before, please start with HALF the recommended dose for the first 2 to 3 days.
So instead of having 1 Bowel Clear tablet after breakfast please have 1/2 a tablet (break in half) and so on. If feeling well, you can increase to the full dosage on the third day. This is to ease you into the detox and help prevent and reduce detox symptoms.
NOTE: Due to tablet size and coating we recommend tablets be taken one at a time, with water.
On Arising:
Drink a glass of warm water (150mls) with a dash of fresh lemon juice (this kick starts your digestion). Wait 20 minutes and then drink 200mls of fresh vegetable juice, carrot, celery, beetroot etc. Alternate every other day with fresh fruit juice - Apple, pear, prune, apricot, watermelon, pineapple, pawpaw etc. Mix these juices together or simply have one. Swish the juice in your mouth to provide needed saliva for proper digestion. If you don't have time to prepare fresh juices please use only bottled organic fruit juices which contain 100% juice and "NO ADDED ANYTHING".

Please Note: If you suffer from constipation drink 300mls of 100% prune juice (bottled) every morning instead of the above juices.
30 MINS BEFORE Breakfast:
  • Take 1 Stomach Clear+ tablet. Breakfast:
    Medium serve natural raw muesli (no added sugar & organic if possible), add fresh pear, ripe banana, stone fruits in season or with your favourite sundried fruits, sprinkle 1 heaped tablespoon (15gms) Quick Fibre Plus Carob Flavour or Natural Flavour. Add soy, goat, rice or almond milk (not cows milk) An alterative to raw muesli; medium serve of porridge or quick rolled oats with mixed fresh or sundried fruits and sprinkle 1 heaped tablespoon Quick Fibre Plus Carob Flavour

    Quick Fibre Plus Carob Flavour is available from where you purchased Quick Cleanse Detox Program.
  • Take 1 Bowel Clear tablet after breakfast. Mid Morning:
    1-2 pieces of fresh fruit (no oranges please) and one cup of Green Tea or Herbal Tea of your choice (do not add sugar or milk).

    1 or 2 sandwiches (please don't use white bread) filled with salad, mixed sprouts, use avocado or tahini as a spread for taste (No Butter). Always include heaps of fresh sprouted seeds, grains or legumes with all salad mixes. Please try to choose a good quality wholemeal bread (yeast free if possible) with lots of fibre.

    Mid Afternoon:
    1 or 2 pieces of fresh fruit and afterwards a cup of Green tea or herbal tea. If you feel hungry you can nibble on raw almonds, walnuts, raw pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds or more fresh fruit.

    30 MINS BEFORE Dinner:
  • Take 1 Stomach Clear+ tablet. Dinner:
    Include any of the foods on the 'FOODS YOU CAN HAVE LIST'. Brown rice, steamed vegetables, wholemeal pasta etc. On every 2nd, 4th, 6th day etc, you can include a SMALL portion of steamed or grilled fish. We have included a selection of tasty recipes in the 'Instructional Booklet' (packaged within the Quick Cleanse® Detox Program).

  • Take 1 Liver Clear Detox and 1 (optional) Bowel Clear after dinner. PLEASE NOTE: If you suffer from indigestion, please mix two teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar with 100mls of warm water and drink 30 minutes before each main meal. Apple Cider Vinegar is available from health food stores and selected pharmacies.
    Quick Cleanse® Detox Shopping List
    The items listed below are the recommended foods you can use to complete the Detox Program. Most of these items can be found where you bought Quick Cleanse® and at your local Supermarket.
    • Quick Fibre Plus - Carob or Natural flavour
    • Soy, Rice, or Almond Milk
    • Raw Muesli or quick rolled oats
    • Sun dried fruits (select variety of fruits)
    • Green tea and/or Herbal teas
    • Raw almonds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds (mixed)
    • Raw honey
    • Sea salt (to taste - if desired)
    • Cold pressed virgin olive oil
    • Fresh fruit (up to 6 pieces daily - no oranges)
    • Fresh vegetables (up to 3 serves daily)
    • Alfalfa or mixed sprouts
    • Fresh lemons
    • Wholemeal bread (up to 6 slices per day)
    • Wholemeal pasta (no more than 3 serves over 7 days)
    • Brown Rice
    • 100% fruit & vegetable Juice - no added anything
    • Filtered water (2-3 litres daily)
    • Fresh Fish
    • Tofu, lentils or beans for evening meals
    • Also, please have a look at the recipes in the Quick Cleanse® Detox Program Guide (found inside the Detox Kit box) for more details on specific ingredients for recipes

    Quick Cleanse Stomach Clear
    Active Ingredients: Each Tablet Contains:
    Carica papaya fruit powder(Paw Paw)..............................250mg
    Plantago afra seed husk powder (Psyllium).......................100mg
    Zingiber officinalis rhizome (Ginger)................................100mg
    Foeniculum vulgare fruit (Fennel)....................................100mg
    Gentiana lutea root (Gentian)..........................................100mg
    Cynara scolymus leaf (Globe Artichoke)............................100mg
    Uncaria tomentosa bark (Cat's Claw)................................100mg
    Juglans nigra fruit hull (Black Walnut) .............................100mg
    Mentha X piperita leaf (Peppermint).................................. 50mg
    Clove powder (equiv. clove oil 5ml).................................. 50mg
    Citrus Bioflavonoids Extract.............................................. 50mg
    Magnesium chloride (equiv. Magnesium 1.2mg)................. 10mg

    Quick Cleanse Liver Clear
    Active Ingredients: Each Tablet Contains:
    Silybum marianum fruit(St Mary's Thistle).......... (15,000mg) 15g
    Equiv. to flavonolignans as silybin ..................................180mg
    Taraxacum officinale root (Dandelion)..............................500mg
    Bupleurum falcatum root (Bupleurum)............................. 250mg
    Schizandra chinensis fruit (Schizandra).............................250mg
    Astragalus membranaceus root(Astragalus)......................100mg
    Berberis vulgaris root (Barberry) ...................................... 50mg
    Choline bitartrate...........................................................250mg

    Quick Cleanse Bowel Clear
    Active Ingredients: Each Tablet Contains:
    Rhamnus purshiana bark (Cascara).................................. 500mg
    Salvia officinalis leaf (Sage) .............................................500mg
    Calendula officinalis flower (Calendula).............................500mg
    Juglans nigra fruit hull (Black Walnut) ..............................350mg
    Rheum palmatum root (Rhubarb).....................................200mg
    Artemisia annua herb (Wormwood)...................................100mg
    Inula britannica flower (Elecampane).................................100mg

    Quick Cleanse ALIVE Probiotic
    Active Ingredients: Each Capsule Contains:
    Lactobacillus acidophilus .......................................7.5 Billion CFU
    Lactobacillus rhamnosus ..................................... 8.75 Billion CFU
    Bifidobacterium lactis ......................................... 8.75 Billion CFU

  • Before Breakfast - 1 x Stomach Clear+
  • After Breakfast - 1 x Bowel Clear
  • Before Dinner - 1 x Stomach Clear+
  • After Dinner - 1 x Liver Clear & 1 x Bowel Clear (Optional)
  • After completing the 15/7 Day Detox Program take two ALIVE capsules daily Cautions/Warnings and Contra-Indications
  • Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your Healthcare Professional
  • If diarrhoea persists for more 48 hours in adults seek medical advice.
  • Do not use when abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are present, or if you develop diarrhoea.
  • If you are pregnant or breast feeding, seek the advice of a healthcare professional before
    taking this product.
  • Prolonged use may cause serious bowel problems.
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Caution: Take at least one hour away from all other medications
  • Not suitable for persons under 18 years. Interaction:
  • Warfarin

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